Wednesday, November 7, 2007

BEE for Brilliant!

Daniel Scillieri
Theater: Clearview Cinemas in the Preakness Shopping Center (11-6-07)

Personal Grade: "Bee+"

In a last minute decision, Team Talking In Movies went to go see the new animated feature "Bee Movie" starring Jerry Seinfeld, who plays the role of Barry B. Benson. Barry is one small bee in a big hive who just can't accept the repetitive lifestyle of the average honey bee. Surrounded by other bees who have accepted their everyday careers, Barry decides he wants to leave the hive and see the outside world. With the help of the cool "Pollen Jockeys" he gets his wish to leave the hive and thus our adventure begins. On the outside he descovers a whole new world most bees never even dream about and eventually meets Vanessa Bloome (Renee Zellweger) a human woman who is the first to learn that bees can talk to humans after she saves Barry's Life.

As the title says, this movie was Brilliant! From the very beginning of the movie Scott and I were laughing out loud (sometimes it was only us in the theater) at the little Bee jokes spread through out the hive world. Jerry Seinfeld's witty comments and jokes reflect his style of comedy found in his hit television series. The whole movie has several little jokes that most people won't catch until they see it a second time but the whole movie kept you laughing. The supporting cast also added quality comic elements of the movie. Matthew Broderick plays Barry's super cautious friend Adam Flayman, who is more than ready to become a working bee for the honey company. Patrick Warburton adds a hiliarous voice to the character Ken, who is Vanessa's ridiculously competitive boyfriend. His stress filled screaming voice leaves you laughing after every appearance. A quick cameo by Chris Rock as a mosquito suprised you with some very funny dialogue. The jokes through out the movie had a wide range of humor. Some were directed to the younger crowds while Jerry and the others threw in some jokes that only adults seemed to catch. The blend of the two worked very well, giving the crowd the entertainment they were hoping for when sitting in the seats of theater.

This movie's con list is almost non exsistant. The animated feature has several jokes and events that stretch into the level of ridiculousness. A few times I had to say outloud "WHAT" or "Oh Come On Now" but what can you expect it is a PG animated family movie about a talking Bee. That con is barely even a con because I was usually laughing when I said those things. This movie was an overall Hit.

Final Remarks:
Just a few moments into the movie, you begin to forget the whole crazy concept of a talking bee who friends a human woman and begins changing the world. You sit back in your chair and let the jokes fill you with a sense of being a kid again. You feel yourself laughing instead of debating the storyline. With a group of people next to me and hearing them laugh as loud as I was, I exited the theater nodding my head and saying " I Liked it ALOT" This is definitely a movie to go see in theaters with anyone, a friend, significant other, or your family. BEE MOVIE earns its BEE+ grade with flying Yellow and Black Colors.

Favorite Quote:
Barry B. Benson: Tivo. You mean you can just freeze live TV? That's insane.

Vanessa: What, you don't have anything like that?

Barry B. Benson: We have "Hivo", But it's a disease. It's a horrible, horrible disease.

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